
The international FISITA community is truly member-led. Which means, an appointed International Strategy Group of member leaders determine the priority focus with regards to the technology of mobility. 

These priorities are detailed within the FISITA Technology of Mobility Ecosystem which can be viewed here.

The Ecosystem determines and prioritises highly relevant topics from which our Expert Groups are formed. These groups are led by the international community, creating and delivering agendas of work of benefit to members and the broader community. 

Each group progresses its work digitally, ensuring an efficient and effective use of time culminating with each group delivering their in-person updates, reports and forward strategy during the World Mobility Conference, Barcelona.

This approach establishes a strategic blend of digital and in-person engagement, through each two year cycle between the Barcelona events.

Expert Groups

Our Expert Group initiative enables international peer groups to establish and progress agendas of work aligned with real world challenges and opportunities within their area of expertise.


Our committees establish and deliver community leadership in the areas of technology, industry and education; and provide a coordination platform for the national engineering society community. 

Awards & Recognition

FISITA recognises excellence in leadership and engineering within our community.

FISITA Foundation

The FISITA Foundation was created in 2018 to support young people and those less privileged or able to benefit from opportunity within the technology of mobility industry.