News & Insights

EuroBrake 2024: It’s about so much more than stopping

Martin Kahl reflects on the key topics discussed at EuroBrake 2024  There’s so much more to stopping than brakes—and there’s so much more to brakes than stopping. It’s an age-old adage, but it perfectly encapsulates EuroBrake. Indeed, we could go one further: there’s so much more to EuroBrake than…braking.  Where once brake system engineers focused on noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH)—developing high-tech solutions taken almost entirely for granted by drivers who just wanted to know their brakes worked perfectly, every time—they

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From 53 to Zero: Leveraging intelligent safety technology to protect vulnerable road users

From policy and planning to education and enforcement, there are many ways to reduce the number of road traffic fatalities and serious injuries, more than half of which involve people not in cars.  Martin Kahl, CTO at FISITA, looks at the role of intelligent safety technology in saving lives on the road to Vision Zero.  With over a million deaths on the roads globally each year, eliminating fatalities and serious injuries from road traffic incidents seems like a utopian ideal. But many

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FISITA Newsletter – April 2024

Dear colleague April has been a productive month: in addition to the regular activities, we held a meeting of the FISITA Executive Board while I was in Detroit two weeks ago, and then subsequently a meeting of the FISITA (UK) Ltd Board last week. With a focus on advancement of the new-era strategy, and forward planning, I shared the next steps of the FISITA strategy with members of both boards. It was really encouraging to receive positive feedback and the

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FISITA Newsletter – March 2024

Dear colleague I would like to start by asking you to join me in welcoming new colleagues to the FISITA team, bringing the expertise, experience and abilities required to ensure the new era of FISITA continues to deliver high-quality for all our members, stakeholders and customers: Martin Kahl joined two weeks ago as Chief Technology Officer to lead our ever-evolving technology of mobility focus and the fast-growing expert Working Group initiative, their collective progress and individual outputs.Email: [email protected] Julie Geraud has

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FISITA Newsletter – February 2024

Dear colleague We all know that February is the shortest month of the year, but we have still managed to keep a high level of engagement with members and the wider community through individual member meetings and Working Group meetings including the Intelligent Safety Working Group, the Carbon Neutral Mobility Working Group, both Industry Disruption Working Groups as well as the Circular Economy Working Group. We have also progressed excellent focus on 2024 priorities with the Education Committee, which is

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FISITA Newsletter – January 2024

President’s message CEO’s message Membership Technical content FISITA Working Groups – development opportunity The following expert Working Groups are entering the 2024 / 2025 working phase. Each have opportunities at the leadership and team level for subject matter experts to join and contribute to the work.    We invite applications via FISITA Head of Technical; Daniele Ventriglia: Additionally the FISITA International Strategy Group has approved creation of the following five Working Groups. We now invite experts from the following areas

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